Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Favorite: The Angelcare Monitor

I've decided that on Fridays (well, let's be honest, my life is busy..on the Fridays that I remember to...) I'm going to highlight a favorite product. Kind of like Oprah's Favorite Things, only I'm not Oprah, and I highly doubt these products will put a flashy label on their product saying "Recommended by Kristina!" But still, I like to share what I like, so here you go.

I thought I'd start with what is hands down the most important and best purchase we made in preparation for Molly's arrival. There are a lot of baby monitors out there. We registered for a video monitor, but when we didn't get it, we considered the Angelcare Deluxe. There are three words to tell you why, as a new parent, you need this monitor: peace of mind.

The thing that makes this monitor different is the movement sensor pad - the large square thing in the photo above. This pad goes under the baby's mattress and detects any motion the baby gives while in the crib. If the pad does not feel motion for 20 seconds, an alarm goes off. It will wake you out of a dead sleep. Trust me, I know.

We've had a few scares. Luckily they were false alarms. I know parents who have not had false alarms, and this monitor literally saved their baby's life. I don't know about you, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Molly moved into her crib at 3 weeks old. Don't judge us - she was one heck of a grunter and we needed to get what little rest we could. But we felt comfortable making the transition because of this monitor.

Another great feature of this monitor is the temperature display. I have loved being able to wake up at night, and look at the monitor and know that her room is at a comfortable temperature.

We found this monitor at Babies R Us for $149.99. Find yourself one of their awesome 20% off coupons, and you have yourself a great deal. Even without a discount though, it's a heck of a small price to pay to know your baby is safe.


  1. THANK YOU! Just the advice I needed...adding this to my must buy for baby list! :)

  2. Thanks! I have been trying to figure out what monitor to think this one is better than a video one?

  3. I do Liza! I haven't used a video one, but we weren't as concerned that we couldn't see her knowing the alarm would go off if she couldn't breathe.
